Air Pollution Produced by Factories


1. Ade Imansyah (2223210027)

2. Aira Juniar Mutiara Halim (2223210048)

3. Nabila Putri Latifah (2223210049)

4. Nazwa Rega Tanissa (2223210086)

5. Shintia Eka Rahmawati (2223210050)


Air Pollution Produced by Factories

First Draft

    Air pollution is the presence of one or more physical, chemical, or biological substances in the atmosphere in quantities that can harm human, animal and plant health, interfere with aesthetics and comfort, or damage property.  Air pollution can be caused by natural sources as well as human activities.  Causes of air pollution from natural factors, for example, are volcanic activity that emits volcanic ash and gases, forest fires, and the activities of microorganisms.  Pollutionts produced are usually in the form of smoke, dust, and gases.  Meanwhile, examples of causes of air pollution from human factors are waste disposal into rivers, smoke from factories, transportation smoke, cigarette smoke, and others. Industry also directly contaminates lakes and streams by discharging pollutants into them. The disposal of hazardous waste is strictly controlled in some nations, but this is not the situation in most of the world. 

   The impact of air pollution caused by humans, namely from vehicle fumes, factory fumes, cigarette smoke, and others can trigger respiratory disorders, such as asthma and lung cancer. In addition, air pollution can also end up with reduced oxygen levels in the human body. Most of the causes of air pollution in the Bojonegara area are caused by smoke from sugar factories. As many people live there, more and more people are bothered by the amount of smoke and waste from the factories. Residents living in the Bojonegara area, especially those who live near sugar factories, often complain about the floors of their houses often turning black due to dust from smoke and burning waste, even though they have been cleaned, the next day they will turn black again.

    So preferably, factories that cause a lot of harm to the surrounding community should build factories far from residential areas, and then treat their waste properly so that it does not pollute the surrounding environment and can continue to run without having to harm the surrounding community.

Reference : 

Ninda. 2012. Argumentasi Polusi Udara, Argumentasi Polusi udara, Ninda, on November 1st 2022 at 06.30 WIB.

Final Draft 


1. Introduction :

Factory pollution is often thought of as those mostly visible and smelly smokestack emissions.


2.  Body Paragraph 1

What is Pollution?


3. Body Paragraph 2 

Where is the factory that produced air pollution?

- Who is making the air pollution?

- The impact of the air pollution of the sugar factory.


4. Body Paragraph 3 

When the air pollution produced?

- Why the factory produced air pollution?


5. Conclusion

How to reduce the air pollution in the factory



Air Pollution That Produced by One of the Factory in Serang, Banten.

When you drive by a refinery, the smell can be overwhelming. Factory pollution is often thought of as those mostly visible and smelly smokestack emissions. Industry pollutes the water and land around you as well. While you can't visibly see all pollutants, once they enter the atmosphere or the water system; they can spread far and wide beyond the factory. The most common factory air pollutants are greenhouse gases from the burning of fossil fuels. Factories contribute to water and land pollution by acidifying rain, chemical spills and disposal of toxic waste.” (John Peterson,2018)

Pollution is usually produced in the form of smoke, one of which is smoke pollution produced by factories. Factories that are not good at processing their factory waste often disturb the surrounding community, many people complain due to disturbed health, polluted environmental hygiene, and so on.

One of them is the Sugar Factory in BojonegaraSerangRegency, which causes black smoke pollution that disturbs the comfort of residents due to the black smoke it produces. Local residents often protest because of the pollution but the owner never seems to care about it. Residents living in the Bojonegara area, especially those living near sugar factories, often complain that the floors of their houses are often blackened due to dust from smoke and burning waste, even though they have been cleaned, the next day they will be blackened again. However, based on our interview with one of the people who live near the factory area, the air pollution produced by the factory does not always appear every day.

Even though pollution is not generated every day, the impact of the factory's air pollution still affects the local residents. Factories contaminate the air by blowing chemical vapors and smoke out through vents and smokestacks, and by burning waste in open dumps or incinerators. Exhaust from generators, diesel trucks, and buses also fill the air with dangerous gases.

In conclusion, factories that cause a lot of harm to the surrounding community should build factories far from residential areas, then treat their waste properly so that it does not pollute the surrounding environment and can continue to run without having to harm the surrounding community.


Reference :

Peterson, John. (June, 2018). Environmental Pollution Caused by Factories, on November 27th 2022 at 21:21 WIB.
