Drafts of English Essay Writing (Group 10)


1. Ade Imansyah (2223210027)

2. Aira Juniar Mutiara Halim (2223210048)

3. Nabila Putri Latifah (2223210049)

4. Nazwa Rega Tanissa (2223210086)

5. Shintia Eka Rahmawati (2223210050)

Class : 3A

Course : English Essay Paragraph



Outline :

Introduction : Hamsters are adorable pet and a type of rodent animal.

Body Paragraph 1 : Hamster's Description and Characteristic

Body Paragraph 2 : How to take care of hamster

Conclusion : Hamsters are the right choice for busy people and children to keep as pets.

First Draft :

    Hamster is a typical rodent animals. Hamster have a lot type like campbell, winter, syrian, and robovski. Actually, hamster have 12 type but mostly people just know that 4 type that i mention before. Hamster include to the cricetinae sub family. People who have hamster maybe don't know if hamster can know their name, if you often play with them, they can recognize their owner voice.

    Hamster is a nocturn animal. Hamster have a poor eyelight but they have a very strong sense of smell. Hamster can give birth to up to 24 babies in one time, but they will eat the baby if the baby is disabled. Fun fact, hamster can stretching their cheek, so they can save their own food in there.

    In conclution, to have a cute and cuddy qualities that kids want in a pet, but the low maintenance qualities that parents want, buy your child a hamster. Hamster are cute and fun to watch. They such little care that even kids can clean up after them. In order to raise happy and healthy children, but them an easy and fun pet like hamster.

Final Draft :



    Who doesn't love hamsters? Hamsters are adorable pet and a type of rodent animal, there are various types in the world and almost in every country. Hamsters have a relatively fat body, with a tail that is shorter than the body and have hairy ears, broad legs, short and fat.

    Hamsters are active animals so as much as possible we must provide a large and comfortable space to play. Hamsters can recognize objects around them well and have a good sense of smell, it's just that hamsters have poor eyesight. Hamster has a mini shape, its makes it easy for hamsters to be carried everywhere and does not require a cage that is too large to care for them. For natural hamster food it can be obtained from small grain foods. Starting with rice, beans, corn, or sunflower seeds.

    And the first way to care for the hamster is to choose a comfortable cage, then place the cage in the right place, then cover the cage with cheesecloth for the first few days, and wait a few days before removing it from the cage. Once your hamster has adjusted, then think about out-of-the-box feeding times, and of course don't forget to clean and wash the cage regularly.

    Hamsters are the right choice for busy people and children to keep as pets, in addition to easy maintenance, hamsters do not require expensive maintenance costs. I hope that if you have decided to get a hamster, you will make sure that you will consistently take care of your hamster.



Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19)

Outline    : 

1. Introduction

 Coronaviruses are a group of viruses belonging to the family of Coronaviridae, which infect both animals and humans.
     2. Body Paragraph
a.  Body Paragraph 1
    Current evidence suggests that COVID-19 is spread between people direct, indirect (through contaminated objects or surfaces), or by close contact with an infected person through oral and nasal secretions.

 b.  Body Paragraph 2
    The common symptoms of Covid-19 include fever above 38°C, dry cough, and shortness of breath.

 c.  Body Paragraph 3
    How to avoid this Covid-19 virus by implementing health protocols and 5M.

 3. Conclusion
    We must maintain our body's immunity so that we can avoid the attack of Covid-19

    The family of viruses known as coronaviruses includes several viruses that can infect both people and animals. They frequently result in respiratory infections in people, ranging from ordinary cold to serious conditions like Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) (SARS). Since a remarkable incident occurred in Wuhan, China, in December 2019, a new type of coronavirus that causes Coronavirus Disease-2019 was discovered in people. It was later dubbed Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-COV2) (COVID-19).

    According to the most recent research, COVID-19 can transmit between persons either directly (via oral or nasal secretions), indirectly (through contaminated objects or surfaces), or through intimate contact with an infected person. A person with COVID-19 can infect another individual. When a person coughs, sneezes, or speaks, droplets from their mouth or nose might transfer the illness to other people. Another way to contract COVID-19 is by unintentionally inhaling patient droplets. For this reason, it's crucial to maintain a one-meter minimum gap between you and other individuals. The droplets may also land on nearby objects, and if someone later touches a contaminated object and then contacts their eyes, nose, or mouth (facial triangle), they may contract an infection with COVID-19.

    Covid 19 is characterized by a fever higher than 38 °C, a dry cough, and shortness of breath. Fever of 380C, a dry cough, and shortness of breath are typical symptoms. If there is a person who within 14 days before the symptoms appear has traveled to an infected country or region, or has cared for / been in close contact with a person with COVID-19, then further laboratory tests will be carried out to confirm the diagnosis.

    By using health routines and 5M, it is possible to avoid the Covid-19 virus. The following actions can be taken to stop the spread of this virus:

Keep your body healthy and strong so that it can continue to have exceptional stamina and an improved immune system. employing alcohol-based hand sanitizer or water, soap, and a regular hand washes routine. In addition to eradicating any viruses that may be on our hands, thoroughly washing your hands is also one of the simple and affordable actions. The hands are the source of 98% of disease transmission. Therefore, keeping your hands clean is very important. Keep a distance of at least 1 meter from other people. Cover your nose and mouth when sneezing and coughing with a tissue or your inner upper arm (not with your palm). Do not touch your lips, nose, or eyes (facial triangle). Hands come into contact with a lot of potential sources of viral contamination. The virus can easily infiltrate our bodies if we touch our eyes, nose, or mouth with infected hands. When you are unwell or outside the house, adequately cover your mouth and nose with a mask. After properly disposing of used tissues and masks, wash your hands. Keep to yourself, avoid interacting with others, and go out in public locations. When you're sick, stay inside as much as possible, especially if you're feeling feverish, coughing, or having trouble breathing. Make a quick call to the closest health professional and request assistance. Tell them if you have been specifically to an infected country or region in the recent 14 days or if you have been in direct touch with someone who has comparable symptoms. Observe the guidance provided by regional health experts. Refrain against traveling to regions or nations where the virus is present. Always keep an eye on the COVID-19 disease's progression from reliable, trustworthy sources. Observe the advice and guidelines provided by health professionals and regional health departments. You can protect yourself from the spread of this disease by using information from reliable sources.

    In conclusion, to prevent the attack of COVID-19, we must maintain our body's immunity. Both SARS and MERS are respiratory illnesses. Then, in 2019, SARS-CoV2, a new infectious illness, was identified. When a person coughs, sneezes, or speaks, droplets from their mouth or nose might transfer the illness to other people. For this reason, keeping a one-meter or so the distance from other persons is crucial. Covid 19 is characterized by a fever higher than 38 °C, a dry cough, and shortness of breath. A 380C fever, a dry cough, and shortness of breath are typical symptoms. If we interact with individuals who have COVID-19, we must undergo testing to identify whether or not we are contaminated. How to protect yourself against the Covid-19 virus by following 5M and health practices. Another method of avoiding this virus is by washing your hands and eating wholesome foods and taking vitamins. To avoid this infection, we must also refrain from traveling outside of the city or the country.


Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19)


Outline    : 

1. Introduction

 Coronaviruses are a group of viruses belonging to the family of Coronaviridae, which infect both animals and humans.
     2. Body Paragraph
a.  Body Paragraph 1
    Current evidence suggests that COVID-19 is spread between people direct, indirect (through contaminated objects or surfaces), or by close contact with an infected person through oral and nasal secretions.

 b.  Body Paragraph 2
    The common symptoms of Covid-19 include fever above 38°C, dry cough, and shortness of breath.

 c.  Body Paragraph 3
    How to avoid this Covid-19 virus by implementing health protocols and 5M.

 3. Conclusion
    We must maintain our body's immunity so that we can avoid the attack of Covid-19

    Corona Viruses are a group of viruses belonging to the family of Coronaviridae, that can infect animals and humans. The spread in humans is really fast and usually respiratory infection from common cold to serious diseases. A Corona Virus has found in December 2019, in Wuhan, China. Before named as Corona Virus, was later named is Severe Acture Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus 2 and people called it as SARS-COV2. But, since its spread is increasing all over the world. So, in 2019 it becomes CoronaVirus Disease-2019 or people known as Covid-19. (World Health Organization. 2022)

    According to the news disseminated, Covid-19 can be transmitted directly (mouth or nose) or indirectly (infected objects or things) or through intercourse with someone who is infected. When someone sneezes, coughs or talks, the fluid that comes out of the nose or mouth can be contagious, the fluid can also be exposed to objects or surfaces that are then touched by other people which causes them to get this Covid-19 infection.

    The general symptoms of Covid-19 usually start with a fever of 38°C, followed by coughing and shortness of breath. If you meet someone or someone who has travelled more than 14 days to an infected place, or someone who has direct contact with an infected person and then feels the symptoms mentioned earlier, it is advisable to immediately conduct an examination at the nearest hospital to confirm the diagnosis. (Infeksiemerging.kemkes 2022)

    Actions that can be taken to stop the spread of this virus are to keep the body healthy and strong so that it can continue to have extraordinary stamina and increased endurance.  Diligently wash your hands using alcohol-based hand sanitizer or water, soap.  Hands are the source of 98% of disease transmission.  Therefore, maintaining hand hygiene is very important.  Because, the virus can easily infiltrate our body if we touch our eyes, nose, or mouth with infected hands.  Take care of yourself, avoid interacting with other people, and go out in public.  Follow the guidelines provided by local health experts.  Refrain from traveling to regions or countries where the virus is present.  Always monitor the progress of the COVID-19 disease from trusted and trusted sources.  Adhere to advice and guidelines provided by health professionals and regional health departments.  You can protect yourself from the spread of this disease by using information from trusted sources.

    In conclusion, to prevent the Covid-19 Virus, we need to keep our body’s immunity to be as good as possible. Both SARS and MERS are respiratory disease. Then, in 2019, SARS-CoV2 a new infectious disease was founded. When a person coughs, sneezes, or even speaks, droplets from their mouth or nose might transfer the virus to other people. Keeping the distance from one to two meters is a must at this point. Covid-19 is identified by a fever higher than 38 °, a dry cough, and its harder to breath are typical symptoms. If we interact directly with a person who has a Covid-19 virus, we must undergo testing to identify whether we are infected or not. How to protect yourself against the Covid-19 virus by following 5M protocols and health practices. Another way to avoiding this virus is by washing your hand regularly and eating a healthy food. And the last thing is we must refrain from traveling outside the city or even to another country.

References :

Coronavirus. Who.int. (2022). Retrieved 11 October 2022, from https://www.who.int/westernpacific/health-topics/detail/coronavirus.

Infeksi Emerging Kementerian Kesehatan RI. (2022). Retrieved 11 October 2022, from https://infeksiemerging.kemkes.go.id/ 




1. Introduction : 

- What is Pollution?

- The causes of the air pollution

2.  Body Paragraph 1

- The Produce of the air pollution

3. Body Paragraph 2 (Report)

- The causes of the air pollution that produced by one of the sugar factory in Bojonegara, Serang Regency.

4. Body Paragraph 3 (Report)

- The impact of the air pollution of the sugar factory.

5. Conclusion

- The factories cause a lot of harm to the surrounding people who lives around the factory.


        Air Pollution Produced by Factories


    Air pollution is the presence of one or more physical, chemical, or biological substances in the atmosphere in amounts that may endanger human, animal, and plant health, impair aesthetics and comfort, or damage property.  Air pollution can be caused by both natural sources and human activities.  Natural causes of air pollution include volcanic activity that releases ash and volcanic gases, forest fires, and the activity of microorganisms.

    Pollution is usually produced in the form of smoke, one of which is smoke pollution produced by factories. Factories that are not good at processing their factory waste often disturb the surrounding community, many people complain due to disturbed health, polluted environmental hygiene, and so on.

    One of them is the Sugar Factory in Bojonegara, Serang Regency, which causes black smoke pollution that disturbs the comfort of residents due to the black smoke it produces. Local residents often protest because of the pollution but the owner never seems to care about it.

    Residents living in the Bojonegara area, especially those living near sugar factories, often complain that the floors of their houses are often blackened due to dust from smoke and burning waste, even though they have been cleaned, the next day they will be blackened again. However, based on our interview with one of the people who live near the factory area, the air pollution produced by the factory does not always appear every day. Even though pollution is not generated every day, the impact of the factory's air pollution still affects the local residents.

    In conclusion, factories that cause a lot of harm to the surrounding community should build factories far from residential areas, then treat their waste properly so that it does not pollute the surrounding environment and can continue to run without having to harm the surrounding community.

Reference : 

Ninda. 2012. Argumentasi Polusi Udara, Argumentasi Polusi udara, Ninda, https://sciencegrouop2.wordpress.com/2012/05/30/argumentasi-polusi-udara-ninda/Accesed on November 1st 2022 at 06.30 WIB.



1. Introduction :

Factory pollution is often thought of as those mostly visible and smelly smokestack emissions.


2.  Body Paragraph 1

What is Pollution?


3. Body Paragraph 2 

Where is the factory that produced air pollution?

- Who is making the air pollution?

- The impact of the air pollution of the sugar factory.


4. Body Paragraph 3 

When the air pollution produced?

- Why the factory produced air pollution?


5. Conclusion

How to reduce the air pollution in the factory



Air Pollution That Produced by One of the Factory in Serang, Banten.

When you drive by a refinery, the smell can be overwhelming. Factory pollution is often thought of as those mostly visible and smelly smokestack emissions. Industry pollutes the water and land around you as well. While you can't visibly see all pollutants, once they enter the atmosphere or the water system; they can spread far and wide beyond the factory. The most common factory air pollutants are greenhouse gases from the burning of fossil fuels. Factories contribute to water and land pollution by acidifying rain, chemical spills and disposal of toxic waste.” (John Peterson,2018)

Pollution is usually produced in the form of smoke, one of which is smoke pollution produced by factories. Factories that are not good at processing their factory waste often disturb the surrounding community, many people complain due to disturbed health, polluted environmental hygiene, and so on.

One of them is the Sugar Factory in BojonegaraSerangRegency, which causes black smoke pollution that disturbs the comfort of residents due to the black smoke it produces. Local residents often protest because of the pollution but the owner never seems to care about it. Residents living in the Bojonegara area, especially those living near sugar factories, often complain that the floors of their houses are often blackened due to dust from smoke and burning waste, even though they have been cleaned, the next day they will be blackened again. However, based on our interview with one of the people who live near the factory area, the air pollution produced by the factory does not always appear every day.

Even though pollution is not generated every day, the impact of the factory's air pollution still affects the local residents. Factories contaminate the air by blowing chemical vapors and smoke out through vents and smokestacks, and by burning waste in open dumps or incinerators. Exhaust from generators, diesel trucks, and buses also fill the air with dangerous gases.

The solution we can provide is that the factory should build a taller chimney so that the pollution that is released does not have too big an impact on the people who live around the factory. Then, it is better to remove pollution from factories at night because only a few people are still active at night so that not many people breathe the air pollution that is produced.

In conclusion, factories that cause a lot of harm to the surrounding community should build factories far from residential areas, then treat their waste properly so that it does not pollute the surrounding environment and can continue to run without having to harm the surrounding community.


Reference :

Peterson, John. (June, 2018). Environmental Pollution Caused by Factories, https://sciencing.com/environmental-pollution-caused-by-factories-12071269.htmlaccesed on November 27th 2022 at 21:21 WIB.

